Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Non-Linear Narrative Structures Have Deeply Influenced How...

Narrative in visual culture May 14th 2012 Vis Com 1st Year Non-linear narrative structures have deeply influenced how subjects are presented in visual culture. Joanne Duff DT545 Vis Com 1st Year Non-linear narrative structures have deeply influenced how subjects are presented in visual culture. The first movie I looked at was Irrà ©versible, a French movie written, directed and produced by Gasper Noà ©. Noà © employs a non-linear narrative to force the audience to think about the actions taken by those seeking vengeance before the reasons behind these actions are known. The movie is told in reverse order, beginning with the main character murdering the person he believed brutally attacked his girlfriend. The intention of this†¦show more content†¦Noà © places these scenes in the first half of the movie, to give us a different perspective on the characters and their lives. The film ends with scenes depicting Marcus and Alex happy together, which the viewer must watch while knowing exactly how things will end for them. We also learn that the man Marcus and Pierre murdered in the gay club wasn’t the man they were looking for, we realise that Le Tenia was standing beside this man, and stood transfixed as he watch them viciously beat the man they believed to be him. Alex is attacked by Le Tenia The attack in the club and the rape scene are so cruel and graphic that they are rendered almost unwatchable, which is how Noà © intended them to be. The violence is unglamorised and gritty; the rape scene is completely non-sexual and uncomfortably long. The non-linear narrative of Irrà ©versible is what makes the movie interesting, if the movie story was told in a linear way it wouldn’t create the same interest in the lives of the characters. We wouldn’t feel the same about happy characters whose lives are ruined as we would about something terrible happening to the characters and then to watch them living happily oblivious to the events that will ruin their lives. He presents us the events in an order which makes us think about the nature of these events in a different way. Andy and Joy Happiness begins in the middle of break up, where we meet Joy (Jane Adams) - the youngest of theShow MoreRelatedMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words   |  316 PagesMaterials, ANSI Z39.48-1992. To George Blin, Profesor at the Collà ¨ge de France, whithout whom none of these pages would have been started. CONTENTS A Note on the Translation by Bertrand Augst, ix Preface, xi A Note on Terminology, xiii I Phenomenological Approaches to Film Chapter I. On the Impression of Reality in the Cinema, 3 Chapter 2. Notes Toward a Phenomenology of the Narrative, 16 II Problems of Film Semiotics Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. 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