Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Moral Rights Of The United States - 1176 Words

5: If an original work is copied, and that copy is distorted, changed or modified in any way, that person/company who distorted, changed or modified the copy has infringed upon the copyright holder’s moral rights (only enacted in certain states) not just his copyright rights. To obtain moral rights, if not enacted in the state, a written contract needs to be drawn up. Moral rights originated in Europe to help artists protect their works and their reputations and are now enacted in the New York, California, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Louisiana, Maine, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Moral rights have been proposed as a federal statute in other states.(Spatt) It isn’t easy to be a multimedia developer/publisher. One of the easiest solutions†¦show more content†¦v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. was the first of a progression of continuous claims between Apple Inc. what s more, Samsung Electron ics in regards to the outline of advanced cells and tablet PCs; between them, the organizations made more than 50% of PDAs sold worldwide starting July 2012. In the spring of 2011, Apple started disputing against Samsung in patent encroachment suits, while Apple and Motorola Mobility were at that point occupied with a patent war on a few fronts. Apple s multinational case over innovation licenses got to be known as a versa tile s component gadget Cell phone patent wars: broad case in furious rivalry in the worldwide business sector for customer portable correspondences. By August 2011, Apple and Samsung were prosecuting 19 progressing cases in nine nations; by October, the lawful question extended to ten nations. By July 2012, the tw o organizations were still entangled in more than 50 claims far and wide, with billions of dollars in harms asserted between them. While Apple won a decision to support its in the U.S., Samsung won decisions in South Korea, Japan, and the UK. On June 4, 2013, Samsung won a constrained restriction from the U.S. Universal Trade Commission on offers of certain Apple items after the commission discovered Apple had damaged a Samsung paten. In Seoul, Samsung documented its claim in April 2011 in the Central District

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Effects Of Hunger In Black Boy By Richard Wright

Hunger is a unique feeling because its meaning is limitless. Although the term â€Å"hunger† is typically associated with a lack of food, it can be simply defined as having â€Å"a strong desire or craving† (â€Å"hunger†). In the novel, Black Boy, Richard Wright recalls the constant hunger pains due to living in poverty. However, Richard experienced alternative forms of hunger that pushed him to overcome adversity. Richard Wright’s success as a writer, even changed the way people looked at African Americans during the twentieth century. Without Richard’s lingering hunger, he might have succumbed to the racist regime of the South rather than controlling his own destiny. The physical hunger that Richard Wright experienced served as a reminder of his†¦show more content†¦Richard’s physical hunger was only the beginning. One literary critic agrees when he stated, â€Å"for here the themes of fear, hunger, and deprivation are related to his own development and therefore attain an immediacy and poignancy unlike that found in either Uncle Tom s Children or Native Son†(Hodges). The pain from not eating food would become almost insignificant compared to strong intellectual and emotional hungers that he would later feel. Richard’s craving for knowledge was frustrated him during his childhood, but his determination to overcome this hunger would help him achieve his dream of becoming a writer. Richard wanted to learn, but the people around him would constantly remind him of his inferior status. For instance, the white woman that Richard used to work for criticised him for writing stories. She rudely told Richard â€Å"‘you’ll never be a writer,’ and ‘Who on earth put such ideas into your nigger head’†(Wright 147). Both blacks and whites had a negative opinion of Richard’s aspirations to be a writer. John O. Hodges agrees when he stated that â€Å"since Richar d is interested in pursuing a literary career, the restrictions which his society places upon him become all the more serious† (Hodges). In the racist southern society of the early twentieth century, educational opportunities for African Americans were hard to come by. Richard’s formal education was inconsistent and when he was an adult, he could not take out books from the library on his own.Show MoreRelatedTrue Freedom Or Starvation Blues. What Does It Mean To1239 Words   |  5 PagesUnfortunately, after the Civil War, this was the kind of freedom awaiting the newly freed African Americans in the New South. In Richard Wright’s â€Å"Black Boy†, a detailed memoir of his childhood in the early twentieth century, this new type of â€Å"freedom† is subtly introduced in the beginning and thoroughly developed throughout the book. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Business Ethics and Document Falsification †

Question: Discuss about the Business Ethics and Document Falsification. Answer: This essay introduces the increasing challenges encountered by the business organizations and universities due to document falsification. Document falsification is a type of fraud conducted by the business organizations and students of the universities for fulfilling basic requirements. At certain instances, business organizations offer assignment writings provided by the university to the students as their course work in exchange for money. Upon completion of the assignment, the students then submit the assignment to the university as their own work. Due to the freelancing offered to the students, the universities are unable to detect the authenticity of the assignments and mark the course works. This essay includes critically evaluating the practice of a student paying someone to write an assignment and submitting it an own work along with analyzing if such services offered by the organizations are ethical or unethical by using MacDonald's four levels of business ethics. The discussions in this essay are conducted by using various ethical theories and models followed by the types of consequences individuals engaged in such practices might suffer. Some business organizations are offering to write the assignments of the students provided by the university as their course work. These assignments are a part of the course work of the degree course that students undertake for graduation. However, some students do not prefer doing their own assignments. Due to the increasing demand of the students of not doing their own assignments, provided an opportunity for the business organizations to offer such services. As commented by Law, Ting Jerome (2013), falsification of documents is unethical for business organizations. Therefore, the practice of the students paying someone to write their assignments to business organizations and submitting it as their own work is unethical. However, as argued by Yang (2012), if the business organization is legally registered, providing such services to customers are not considered to be unethical. As mentioned by Bowen Bok (2016), students attend colleges and universities in order to gain knowledge in the subject of interest that they later use to build up their career. In order to gain sufficient knowledge about the subjects, students need to gather adequate knowledge that will be helpful for their professional career in future. Therefore, not doing own assignments is unethical for the students, as this hampers their course of study and knowledge. According to Masic (2014), it is unethical for individuals to present someone elses work as own. In this case, it is unethical for the students to submit the assignment completed by other business organizations as own to the university. It is the sole responsibility of the students to attend universities and use the knowledge gained during the lectures to complete the assignments. Reports suggest that international students are paying to business organizations or agencies to get their work edited and proof read in order to obtain high academic grades. The business organizations and agencies use their experts to go through the assignments given by the students and complete it accordingly. This has been a raising issue according to the ethical considerations of the students. Majority of the students taking help of such organizations are international students in the UK and had English as their second language. This is because the international students lack sufficient language support services at their universities (Shaw, 2017). Therefore, based on this viewpoint, undertaking such services to submit correct work by the students to the universities is not unethical. The students are enforced to undertake such service due to inappropriate language support from the university. Therefore, if the universities had provided adequate support in terms of language to the students, they would not have considered taking such services. As mentioned by Hosny Fatima (2014), taking such services is unethical and considered as cheating on the part of the students. However, as criticized by Courtney-Pratt et al., (2012), the students undertake such service due to lack of language support from the universities, hence it cannot be considered as cheating. Organizations offer services to customers based on the current demands. Therefore, the growth opportunity of the business largely depends on the present demand and expectations of the customers (Li Du, 2012). According to reports, the international students take the help of business organizations and agencies to complete the assignments on behalf of them. The main reason for the students of demanding such services is due to the lack of support of the university. As the demands of such services are increasing, business organizations have found an adequate opportunity for initiating and continuing business in this field. As commented by Wilson (2012), it is ethical for the business organizations to serve the customers by fulfilling their demands and expectations. It is considered unethical if the business organizations are unable to provide service that fulfills the demands of the customers. Therefore, from the organizational perspectives, the service provided by the organizations and agencies to write assignments on behalf of the students is not unethical. This is because the organizations are providing service to fulfill to present demand of the students. According to the four levels of business ethics, organizations need to accomplish he societal ethics, industrial ethics, company ethics and managerial ethics (Weiss, 2012). Organizations are bound to follow and implement the four levels of business ethics while conducting the business. The facility or service provided by the organization of writing assignments for the students for a fee is discussed according to the McDonalds four levels of business ethics. According to the societal ethics of McDonalds, this features assesses the effect of the business on the society. The service, products, and facilities provided by the business organization need to have a positive and healthy impact on the society. If the services provided by the organizations have any negative impact on the society and its people, it is considered to be highly unethical. The services provided by the organizations and agencies are writing the assignments of the students on their behalf are thereby, unethical. Accor ding to Graham Harris (2013), writing assignments for the students are hampering the knowledge gaining process of the students thereby, manipulating their future and professional career. It is also teaching the student's document falsification for scoring satisfactory grades. Business organizations must not offer services to the students, as it is hampering the knowledge gaining and personal development process of the students. This is also compromising with the future of the country, as their youths are completing studies being ignorant. However, as argued by Geisler (2013), it is not unethical as this is the current demand of the clients and customers. Students are asking services for writing assignments and proofreading them, as they are lacking sufficient support from the universities. From the perspective of the industrial ethics, the services offered by the organizations are not unethical because this is what the international students mostly demand. According to the business ethics, organizations must be able to fulfill the demands and expectations of the customers (Crane Matten, 2016). In this case, the students demand their assignments be written and proof read by organizations and agencies on their behalf in order to score high academic grades. Therefore, it is ethical for the business organizations and agencies to use their experts and their knowledge to write assignments on the behalf of the students and by offering a fee. Each organization has distinct company ethics based on which they conduct business. Therefore, the success of the business largely depends on the ethics of the companies. According to the company ethics of MacDonalds, the organizations need to be trustful, open-minded and needs to have clear documents of the business and service provided by them. From the organizational perspectives, if the companies and agencies have authentic and accurate documents about the service, it is ethical for them to provide service. Clear documentation is a significant ethical aspect while conducting a business. Therefore, it is ethical for the organizations to offer services such as proof reading and writing assignments for the students if they possess clear and authentic documents (Crane Matten, 2016). Based on the individual ethics, the employees of the organizations need to be trustworthy and provide plagiarism free assignments to the students. Conducting plagiarism is unethical according to the academic perspectives. Therefore, the experts while writing the assignments of the students need to provide plagiarism free work. This is considered ethical according to the individual ethics of the employees of the organizations based on McDonalds last level of business ethics (Geisler, 2013). The service provided by the organizations to write the assignments for the students is argumentative, as some consist it to be ethical and unethical; the service is discussed in accordance with various ethical theories. According to Carlson (2013), consequentialism defines the rightness and wrongness of the act based on the results of the act. Therefore, better the consequences of the act, better is the suitability of the act. From the perspectives of the organizations and the students, the service provides to the students by charging certain fees is ethical. This is because, at the end of the act, both the students and the organizations are beneficial. By allowing the facility of using the knowledge of the experts to write the assignment of the students, the organizations are actually helping the students in scoring good grades. Therefore, it is ethical. On the other hand, the students are able to get a university degree that can be used by them to build a professional career. From both the perspective, the results of the act are beneficial thereby, ethical according to the consequentialism ethical theory. However, as argued by Gray Schein (2012), deontology is defined as the system in which morality is determined by the duty or laws. In the case of deontology, the justification of the act is judged rather than the outcome of the act. Therefore, according to the concept of deontology, the service provided by the organizations of writing the assignment by charging fees is unethical. The students are given to write assignments based on the knowledge they gain by attending lectures. Therefore, writing up assignments allows the students to impart the knowledge they gain and use it for future. Therefore, if the students are not doing their assignments personally, the entire process of knowledge gaining and earning is hampered. In spite of attending full-time university courses, the students end up on the losing side, as they are unable to learn. Though the students end up scoring high grades in their academics, they fail to use the knowledge for future. As a result, the students encounter challenges after finishing their studies and starting their professional career. Therefore, the students have to struggle in order to establish them professionally and progress in their career. Virtue ethics also determines the ethnicity by determining the outcome of the actions (McHugh, 2012). According to virtue ethics, the service provided by the organizations of writing assignments on behalf of the students is ultimately hampering them in the end both academically and professionally. The youths of the country are remaining ignorant in spite of having a university degree and high academic grades. The students also need to answer questions regarding the inability to perform professionally in spite of having such high academic grades. Therefore, according to deontology and virtue ethics, the services provided by the organizations to the students are unethical, as it is having a negative outcome on the students. The students can face huge penalties and consequences if the universities become aware that the students are not doing the assignments by themselves rather than submitting someone else's work as their own ((Weiss, 2012). The universities have the right to suspend the students if they are caught practicing such unethical practices for submitting the course works. It is against the policies and rules of the universities that the students take the help of external agencies and organizations for writing their assignments. Once enrolled in the degree course, it is the responsibility of the students to attend lectures and complete assignments by themselves. Moreover, if the students keep on continuing such practices, the universities also have the right to terminate the students from the course. This will adversely affect the career of the students, as they will be unable to continue their studies in future. The universities also have the right to sue the organizations that offer such serv ices to the students. This is against the policies and rules of the universities that students write their assignments by other experts by paying the fees charged by the organizations (Wlison, 2012). In this essay, it can be concluded that document falsification is unethical for business organizations. The services provided by the business organizations to write the assignments of the students by charging particular amount of fees are unethical. This is because the students are supposed to complete the assignment by themselves without submitting someone elses work as their own. The demand for such services has increased, as the students lack sufficient language support from their university. Therefore, in spite of being good students, they are unable to score high grades due to the language barrier. In order to overcome such drawback, students are looking for help from organizations and agencies to write or proof read their assignments. McDonalds four-business ethics level suggests that the service provided by the business organizations are ethical, as this is what the students are demanding presently. According to consequentialism, the service provided by the organization is eth ical, as the result is beneficial for the students, as they are able to score high grades. However, on the other hand, according to the theories of deontology and virtue ethics, the practices are completely unethical. This is because the students end up learning nothing throughout the degree course. In future, the students encounter challenges due to lack of sufficient knowledge professionally. References Bowen, W. G., Bok, D. (2016). The shape of the river: Long-term consequences of considering race in college and university admissions. Princeton University Press. Carlson, E. (2013). Consequentialism reconsidered (Vol. 20). Springer Science Business Media. Courtney?Pratt, H., FitzGerald, M., Ford, K., Marsden, K., Marlow, A. (2012). Quality clinical placements for undergraduate nursing students: a cross?sectional survey of undergraduates and supervising nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(6), 1380-1390. Crane, A., Matten, D. (2016). Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Geisler, C. (2013). Academic literacy and the nature of expertise: Reading, writing, and knowing in academic philosophy. Routledge. Graham, S., Harris, K. R. (2013). Common core state standards, writing, and students with LD: Recommendations. Learning Disabilities Research Practice, 28(1), 28-37. Gray, K., Schein, C. (2012). Two minds vs. two philosophies: Mind perception defines morality and dissolves the debate between deontology and utilitarianism. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 3(3), 405-423. Hosny, M., Fatima, S. (2014). Attitude of students towards cheating and plagiarism: University case study. Journal of Applied Sciences, 14(8), 748-757. Law, L., Ting, S. H., Jerome, C. (2013). Cognitive dissonance in dealing with plagiarism in academic writing. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 97, 278-284. Li, K., Du, T. C. (2012). Building a targeted mobile advertising system for location-based services. Decision Support Systems, 54(1), 1-8. Masic, I. (2014). Plagiarism in scientific research and publications and how to prevent it. Materia socio-medica, 26(2), 141. McHugh, C. (2012). Epistemic deontology and voluntariness. Erkenntnis, 77(1), 65-94. Shaw, C. (2017). International students are turning to proofreading agencies to get support. the Guardian. Retrieved 22 August 2017, from Weiss, J. W. (2014). Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Wilson, M. W. (2012). Location-based services, conspicuous mobility, and the location-aware future. Geoforum, 43(6), 1266-1275. Yang, S. C. (2012). Attitudes and behaviors related to academic dishonesty: A survey of Taiwanese graduate students. Ethics Behavior, 22(3), 218-237.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Philippines the Center of the Marine Fish Biodiversity free essay sample

Science The Philippines is the center of the marine fish biodiversity and the home of the most diverse marine ecosystem in the world in the study of two biologists Kent Carpenter and Victor Springer. The title of there is â€Å"The Center of the marine shore fish diversity: The Philippine Island,† we have are the center of the marine in the world and the former Environment Secretary Elisea Gozun said in her presentation of the status of the country’s coastal and marine resources at the Philippine Plaza Hotel in Pasay city. We must protect our marine ecosystem so that we can prove to the other country that we can also have a healthy marine that other countries can’t have. Second larges reef Most of the endemic species ar found in the Verde Island passage between Mindoro Island and the main island of Luzon We must improve our reef so that we can still have the second largest reef or the most largest reef on the world we must stop the dynamite fish on the other side of the Philippines so the we can have a healthy and large reef so that our marine species have a shelter to make them live long and to multiply and we will have a large marine. We will write a custom essay sample on Philippines the Center of the Marine Fish Biodiversity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Most Threatened Save the coral reef stop destroying the corals and stop the muro-ami style of fish and also the dynamite fish it destroys the corals and the are disturbed and the others die because of the toxic that affect the fish and the other marine species. Do not cut the mangroves beside of the river or lake because fishes also live in there it is alright that we make some fish pond but not to much that we need to cut mangroves just to have a fish pond 70% of mangrove have lost because of converting them into fish pond. Compared to the other counties with similar coastal resources, the people in the Philippines doesn’t know how to use our coastal resources.